Thursday, October 16, 2008


i have always loved art and crafty stuff.  i was always drawing & coloring & painting as a kid.  i took all the art classes i could squeeze into my schedule in high school.  i like to create things.  sometimes the desire is so strong it overwhelms me.  i  love to go to craft stores and buy stuff.  i spend hours online looking at crafty blogs and websites that inspire me.  i have subscriptions to several craft magazines.  i'm not a "country" craft kinda gal.  i like quirky pieces.  i like clean graphics.  i like messy art.  i like unique stuff.
but here's the problem.
i never actually make stuff.  since high school, i feel i have been stunted in my creativity.  and i'm pretty sure i know what is holding me back.  


i'm afraid of making a mistake.  i'm afraid of my art not being "perfect."  i'm afraid of making something ugly.  i'm afraid that i'm not any good at this art/craft thing.  i'm afraid i'm not creative enough. i'm afraid i'm not original. i horde my supplies.  i don't want to use them because i might screw something up and then i will have wasted them.
i'm not sure when exactly when i began to fear so much.  but i do know this, the longer i keep myself from creating, the stronger my fear becomes.  
so this is my vow.  to start creating again.  to just do it.  i know the hardest part is just getting started.  to take that first step.  to push past the fear and create with no regards to the final outcome.  who cares if it isn't perfect, if it's not pleasing to the eye, if i screw up?  i need to focus on the process.  free my creative side.  it will make my soul feel good, whole.
because being creative is a part of who i am.


Anonymous said...

"People do... what people have done"

If this is true, then Kristens' art can be expected to be a continuation on what she has previously done.

Your photography is excellent. You just don't "point & shoot". You try to capture concepts. You show texture, framing, light, and composition. Your written remarks are always insightful and supplement the photo.

Your other examples of art, are your cards.. they are WONDERFUL!!

So... on what basis should we expect anything other than wonderful art from Ms. Kristen? Hum? well? tell me?

Besides, art is a reflection and representation of feeling & emotion. By definition, it Cannot Be Bad!

I was in a museum in Dallas Texas when I first understood abstract modern art. I was in a large room with a lone pool table. It bothered me greatly from the beginning because the felt was YELLOW! Everyone knows pool table felts are green!!!!

Upon closer look, I discovered the source of my extreem discomfort lay in the fact that the pool table had no pockets! Therefore making it impossible to complete the basic function of the game!

It was there & then that I first understood abstract art. It wasn't the excellence of the piece, but the EMOTION that it drew from me. The artist wasn't attempting to recreate a perfect pool table, the artist was attempting to draw an emotional response.

So... there is no such thing as bad art. THEREFORE it is impossible to fail... unless... you never try.

I eagerly await the outcome. Please just don't paint my grandsons orange or something.


Anonymous said...

On second thought,

three naked little Blairs painted orange might be very entertaining.


Anonymous said...

I think you are wrong dad. If I were to create any art I am pretty sure it would be the text book definition of bad art.


Anonymous said...

"The Exception Proves The Rule"

(that's what they always told us in English Grammar class)


Susan said...

I am with Pastor Grandpa. I've never seen anything that you've done that hasn't been great. The birth announcemsnts were so amazing that I showed them to everyone I know to show off my talented niece and her beautiful babies.
