Tuesday, October 7, 2008


i used to think i was totally a city girl, but as i've gotten older, i've found myself wanting to become more country-fied.  i'm wanting to plant a vegetable and herb garden, hang my clothes out to dry, and start canning.  today, i learned a little bit about canning.  my friend jessica invited me out to her parent's house to can applesauce & grape juice.  it is a lot of work and a long process, but the results are delicious.  the kids and i were there from noonish until 8:30ish, and we didn't even come close to getting through all the apples and grapes.
here are some snapshots of our process:
sampling the jam jessica's dad made last year.  delicious!
jess & i didn't make any jam, just juice

jagger has decided he doesn't want his picture taken anymore.
he now runs from me when he sees the camera come out.

i enjoyed the day (even though my kids were not in good moods at all).  thanks for inviting me, Jessica!

who knows how far this country feeling might take me.  maybe next time you see me i'll be pregnant and barefoot, with a gaggle of kids trailing behind me as i hang our clothes on the washline and weed my vegetable garden :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kristen...I think you have lost your mind (considering your last paragraph).
However, it did look like you had a very educational day with a lot of fun in the mix. MOM