Wednesday, April 29, 2009

and so it begins...

hey there!
we're on the road.
about 2 hours in.
i was a big blubbering mess the first hour.
so many emotions.
right now we're making a quick pit stop at corey's parents.
bathroom break, quick bite to eat, and goodbyes.
only 7 1/2 hours more to go...

Monday, April 27, 2009

hello? is anyone there?

whoa.  i have been a bad, bad blogger this year.  
i'll admit to this.
but i have a good reason why i have been absent so much lately.
(prior to the past few months, i have no excuse besides laziness).
do you want to know what it is?
we're moving!
where, you ask?  
to peoria, illinois.
yep, that's right, not far from where i started out as a young lass.
after much thinking, discussing, praying, searching, interviewing (and throw in some tears, stress, and excitement, for good measure) corey has accepted a position as youth pastor at a church in peoria.  
and i got to tell you he is pretty pumped.
we are so thankful for our church family here.  we learned so much about what it means to be in the ministry.  our life together basically started here since we had only been married for about 7 months when he took the youth pastor position.  and so much happened in the past 6 1/2 years.  he stepped up to the lead pastor position, we bought another dog, we bought a house, we had jagger, we bought a minivan, we had cash and slade.  whew.  
as much as corey has loved the experience he gained from being the lead guy, he is excited to go back to youth.  it's what he went to school for and it really is his passion.  and i've got to tell you, it takes a special calling to work with kids.  those of you who know corey know that he is just a big kid.  i mean, he never really grew up.  
so we decided that now was a good time to make the move back to youth ministry, while our kids are still small and not established in school yet. 

we are excited.

for new ministries to begin.
for new friendships and connections to be made.
for new adventures to be had.

we have been busy, busy, busy.  prepping the house for sale.  packing.  trying to keep the kids from unpacking what we've just packed.  saying goodbyes.
we roll out of town on wednesday.  i can hardly believe it's here. 
so, this post is to let you know what's up.  our internet is being shut off tomorrow and it'll be a few days before we're reconnected in illinois.  so be patient.  there'll be more stories to come :)
jagger testing out the moving truck :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

happy birthday gramps!

thank you so much for all you've done for us.  
we have so loved getting to spend more time with you.
you are barrels of fun!
we heart you :)

p.s.  the world loves and needs the comments only you can leave :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

egg hunting/new 'do

today we had an easter egg hunt at our church.  jagger and slade got the concept of gathering eggs right away.  cash, well, he would pick up a plastic egg and try to put the whole thing in his mouth, or he would put an egg in his bag, and then try and take two eggs out and put them back on the ground.  silly boy.  
once jagger realized there was candy in the eggs, his excitement hit a new level.  that boy has inherited his mother's overwhelming sweet tooth.  i'm so sorry, bud.  
after the hunt, we headed home, ate lunch, took naps, and generally just lounged around the house.  after papa got home, we decided it was about 5 months past due for jagger to have a haircut.  so, he is back to sporting his 'hawk.  it's a good look.  
i think we've decided that jagger will rock the 'hawk, slade can rock the shag, and cash, if the poor boy doesn't start growing some hair on top of his head soon, well, he'll be rocking the comb-over.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the kids (a list)

1.  jagger calls both cash and slade either "baby" or "ca" (as in cash minus the sh).  apparently to him, the name slade does not exist.  
2.  cash tends to sleep with his feet hanging out of the crib.
3.  jagger has started referring to himself in the 3rd person, as in "jagger hungry," or "jagger go night-night."
4.  slade says "stinky" every time one of the boys is getting a diaper change.
5.  cash has a funny habit of hiking up his pant legs while he is walking around.  
6.  jagger is all about monsters these days.  according to jagger, there are monsters every where in our house (and outside).
7.  slade throws some major fits when he does not get his way.
8.  as quick as slade is to anger, he is equally as quick to laugh.  he smiles often (in between tantrums!).
9.  jagger will get up in the middle of the night and make up a bed on the floor in his room with his pillow and blanket.  that is often where we find him in the mornings.
10.  cash is quite a babbler and sincerely seems to be trying to communicate with you, but it is all just gibberish.
11.  slade loves to be held and is quite the cuddler.
12.  cash is always getting into something and is always on the go, go, go.