Saturday, October 25, 2008


- 9:02 am -- cash is first to wake up. followed by jagger and then slade. everyone is awake by 9:11.
- let wolfgang out, turn on 'toons (jack's big music show on noggin), and start making breakfast. 
- slade doesn't like waiting for his food.
- 9:57am -- battery dies on camera. bummer. plug it in to recharge it.
- start a load of laundry. first of several.
- jagger has coated his hair in syrup. scrubbing his head with a wipe does not get it out. decide to give him a bath even though he just had one last night before bed. debate whether to dress him a clean pair of comfy pjs to lounge around the house in or dress him for the day. pjs win. we have no plans to go anywhere.
- surf the internet for costume ideas for the kids. thinking of doing the cat in the hat and thing 1 & thing 2. want to do it on the cheap, so research some homemade ideas. i think i can make it happen. but, i am terrible at following through, so we'll see.
- someone knocks on the door. don't answer it because i have a phobia of answering the door, especially when corey is not home.
- 11:06 -- all kids are crying. slade is the loudest. it's not nap time yet, but decide to try and put cash and slade down anyways. slade falls asleep, cash does not.
- 11:58 am--slade wakes up
- kids play, i fold laundry.  it's amazing how many clothes these kids go through.  try watching grey's anatomy from thurs. while folding clothes.  eh... i think i'm losing interest in the show.
- battery is charged on the camera. yeah!
- corey calls on his way home from mansfield. he has just been pulled over for speeding and is getting a ticket. instant bad mood for kristen.
-  1:08pm -- jagger goes down for his nap
-  1:15pm -- cash falls asleep mid-play
-  1:30pm -- corey arrives home.
-  2:00pm -- corey tries transferring cash from the living room floor to his crib.  doesn't work.  he's awake now.
-  2:45pm -- slade is crazy fussy.  put him down for a nap (again).  he wakes up @ 3:35
-  4:15pm  -- jagger wakes.  eats a pb & j sandwich.
-  make a batch of candied pecans.  so good in a salad or just by the handful :)
-  play with kids.  train track building & block stacking fun.
-  5:45pm --  corey wakes from his nap  
-  6:50pm  -- cash and slade - very unhappy
-  the kids and i head out to the church with corey.  set up a bunch of chairs for church tomorrow.
-  swing by the grocery store for dinner fixings.  just go with simple spaghetti (w/cheesy garlic toast).  desperately need to do some major grocery shopping soon. 
-  8:00pm -- put cash and slade down for the night.
-  put jagger to bed at 9:00pm.  he plays in his room for a while before falling asleep.
-  watch a few episodes of dexter before heading to bed ourselves.


Anonymous said...

The perfect blog


Anonymous said...

You are AWSOME!!! The life of a mother is never done... there is always something to do... I'm proud of you for cooking two times and not eating out :) Soon you'll be doing it all the time.

Very proud to call you daughter (in-law)


Anonymous said...


According to the official record, you let wolfgang out at 9:11... then there's no mention of letting him back in!!!! AHHHHH!!!!

Somebody go check on the dog!
