Wednesday, October 22, 2008

biggie fries = biggie thighs

   all right, guys.  i gotta tell you, i need to lose some poundage.  i only put on 27 lbs with the twins, but i was overweight--at least by my standards for me--before i got pregnant.  i've lost all that weight and then some since i had cash and slade, but i was still wanting to lose about 10 more pounds.  not that i was actually doing anything to take the weight off.  i'm lazy.  but i still wanted to lose the weight.  nursing was the main way i was taking the pounds off and that's where the problem lies.  because i stopped nursing about 4 weeks ago.  and since then i've gained 8 lbs.  count 'em -- 8.  this is Unacceptable.  i don't need all this junk in my trunk.  i want it gone.  so i've got to get serious.  i'm not sure how to do it though.  i'm not a dieter, never have been.  i have no self control to deprive myself of any foods.  and i'm lazy, with no discipline to keep myself on a workout schedule.  i don't want to get gym membership because it's too hard to get away to go and i'm not sure if i've said this before, but i'm lazy, so i'll probably never go anyways and it'd be a waste of money.   praying that the weight will just come off overnight doesn't work either.  any suggestions?
    i do know that we have been eating out a lot this past month and so that needs to stop.  that'll help the wallet as well as the waistline.  so i guess my first steps will be to start eating healthier.  and i'm big believer in portion control.  portion control, portion control, portion control.  i like to take walks, so maybe i can get corey to start walking with the kids & me.  hmmm...i can try and curb my sweet tooth.  ohh, that's gonna be hard.  i have the worst sweet tooth.  i don't feel like a meal is complete until i've had some dessert.  and i can eat a whole tray of brownies by myself.  you think i'm kidding, but i'm not.  it doesn't help that we're heading into the holiday seasons.  but i'm gonna try, because i don't like having a big badunkadunk.   we'll see how it goes...


Anonymous said...

where are the photos? you always have photos

Melissa said...

The crock pot will be your new best friend. You can prepare it the night before, turn it on in the morning, and you'll have a quick, healthy dinner when you get home!