Wednesday, October 29, 2008

snow + fall fun night

this morning when i left for work, there was snow on the car.  snow!  it's not even halloween yet!  this weather is so not for me.  i need to live where it is warm all year round :)  
tonight was fall fun night at the church.  there were games and candy and fun for the kids and jagger had a blast.  i was trying to keep his candy intake to a minimum, but i'm fairly confident that he was being snuck candy by several people because he appeared to be on a sugar high after we'd been there for about an hour.  i'm not kidding, he was running around all crazy like and it was hard to keep up with him.  as far as the costumes go, i didn't end up making anything.  i just headed over to target (i heart target) and bought him a doctor costume on clearance.  except you couldn't tell he was a doctor because after 5 minutes, jagger had ripped off the stethoscope, the mask, and the scrub cap.  so basically he just ran around in blue scrubs.  i didn't end up getting anything for cash and slade.  i'm going to go back after the 31st and see if i can get some good costumes on sale for next year.  it'll be slim pickings, i'm sure.
there were lots of throwing games which jagger loves because he's all about throwing stuff.  i don't have a whole lot of pictures because it was a little dark in there for the camera and jagger was a blur of activity.  here's a few...
bean bag toss
jagger wanted to stack the rings instead of toss
three-legged race
cupcake decorating :)

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