Wednesday, October 1, 2008

our day

-  arrive at work bright and early @ 7:00am.  Corey drops the kids off at the sitter's around 11:00am so he can head to the church to work. 
-  pick up the kid's from Jean's around 2:45ish.  all kids fall asleep on the ride home.
-  get mail.  two netflix movies (leatherheads & baby mama).  yeah!
-  walk in the door and discover this:
the kids must have dumped their cheerios right before they were leaving for jean's.  i stepped right on them.
-  tried to get the kids to take their naps.  no go.  jagger can climb in and out of his crib now and today he decided to forgo the nap and just knock on his bedroom door calling my name to be let out instead.  neither cash nor slade took a nap either, even though i could tell they were both super tired.  no nap for kids = no nap for mama, sigh.
-  take a few pics of the kids wearing their new sweater & hoodies.  if you read my previous post, you'll know that fall means sweaters (and hoodies) to me.  i saw this sweater at target and couldn't resist buying it for jagger.  can you guess why?
that's right, because of the googly-eyed boston terrier on it.  reminds me of my beloved chester.  i miss that guy, but i know he is living the life with his new family.  i couldn't have found a better home for him :)
here's cash & slade in their cool hoodies (thanks kelly!)

-  write blog about my love of fall while kids wander around aimlessly, fussing, due to lack of sleep.  surf the net a bit.
-  jagger cuddles up on couch with blanket & pillow to watch sesame street.  my hope is that he'll doze off while watching it.  doesn't happen.  try laying down twins again.  nope.  slade attacks cash.
-  debate whether to go to church tonight.  kids are super cranky and it's drizzling out.  look over in playpen and realize slade has finally fallen asleep.  decide to play hooky and let slade sleep. 
-  jagger and i dance to music while cash watches from his walker.  wolfgang chases us.  cash is not sure what to make of us.  it's a good workout.
-  fix dinner for the kids.  banana + pb & j (grape) sandwich + strawberry vanilla yogurt for jagger.  vegetable beef pilaf + bottles for cash and slade.  
-  bathtime!  jagger and cash up first.  much splashing ensues.  dry off, slather on lotion, put pjs on & to bed.  ditto for slade.
-  so bummed out.  realize at 8:22 that the pushing daisies season premiere is not recording.  set it to record.  sad that we missed the first half of the show.
-  when corey gets home, we'll eat, watch some tv, i'll probably read a little, and then to bed.  

tomorrow starts a new day.

i have to leave you with this picture.  it was captured during my attempt to get a family pic.  it's not the best of the ones i took, but this one feels so classically us.  slade mad about something, cash calm, and jagger a blur of activity.  and i just smile through it all :)


Anonymous said...

YES! YES! They are indeed rare ladies & gentlemen, but we have a picture of The Amazing Kristen!!!

She is so lovely & talented, it is a complete mystery to me as to why her wonderful picture does not appear more frequently on this site.



Anonymous said...

Your blogs are so great!!! i love my nephews so much and your consistant updates just feed my addiction. you are such a great mom! I too love the fall. I love anything that has apples involved. (apple cider, apple pie, apple festivals, even bobbing for apples) and yes i am a big fan of the hoodie as well.
Music......i'm into James Morrison these days. kinda sappy but it works for me. lots of love from C-bus!