Monday, June 23, 2008

we adore tek

We got to meet our new nephew Tek on Sunday.  He is awesome!  Andy & Kate adopted him from Ethiopia and just brought him home about 2 weeks ago. Tek is such a beautiful and happy boy.    

Teketel Blair,  7 months old

Here are some random pics from the day:

such a happy boy :)

proud grandparents

Next generation of Blair boys

(I have an obsession with baby feet)

We are so happy for you both!

Thank you for the great gifts you brought us from Ethiopia too!
The great home decor (you know us so well :))

the beautiful bracelet
the toys for cash and slade
and the book (a traditional Ethiopian story) and drum for Jagger (which he loves)

I was pleasantly surprised by a visit from our friends Jon and Brian.
This is our friend Jon.

I love this guy.  I met him in math class my freshman year because our last names sat us next to each other.  He was so fun that I decided right then and there that he was going to be my friend forever whether he liked it or not (I actually told him that).  
I met Corey through Jon because they lived in an apartment (a.k.a. "the pit") together after we graduated.  So I guess I owe Jon a huge thank you for the wonderful life I am living.
Thank you Jon!  (except he'll never see this because he is completely computer illiterate, so maybe I should send him a card).

Here was a surreal moment:
What was once just this, the boys from "the pit"

Jon, Brian, Andy, and Corey
has now become this:

That's a lot of boys.  I guess this means we're all adults now.  We all have kids and crazy busy lives.  I can hardly believe it.  

And on a completely different note:
Congratulations Kelly, on getting your braces off!  You look marvelous :)


Anonymous said...


I set up until 11:27pm waiting for the new post!

knew Kristen wouldn"t let me down!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the Blair's on the newest member to join their family...he is adorable!! Great pics of all the family..thanks for sharing Kristen.