Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Jagger peed in the potty for the first time!!!
He got a potty seat for his birthday.
He's been watching Elmo's potty time dvd.
We've starting putting him on the potty after naps and before bed time.
Tonight before his bath I set him on the potty and he sat there for a few minutes and then just went!! :)
Of course I was super happy, so I was clapping and shouting "yay!" and telling him what a good boy he was.  So then he was excited and happy too!
Then he got up and flushed it (which he thinks is super fun).
I know we still have a long journey to go before he is actually potty trained, but this was a great first step :)

here are some pictures from today -- playing outside :)

look at this blue sky -- not a cloud in sight

toddler  jumping

coming to get me with his weed wacker

I was trying to get a specific effect with the sun, but it didn't work :(

playing with the ball again :)

and of course when it was time to come in, this face again.
this meltdown was pretty short lived at least.
toddlers have such strong emotions.
I'm thinking of starting a project.  It will be titled 30 days of meltdowns.  I'll just take a picture of the meltdown of the day (Lord knows he has one every day!) and list what caused it and post it on the blog.  whatdya think?  ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What a great blog!!! at first I thought the blue pix was a mistake until I saw the description.

I vote FOR the meltdown collection. I just can't get enough of these pictures, they crack me up!

Being there live is not quite so entertaining... like when we pulled him off the tricycle in Target... man