Tuesday, January 6, 2009

christmas again!

yesterday we were able to celebrate christmas with the savannah blairs.  it was so good to see andy, kate, and tek.  here's how the night went down.
-  arrive in mansfield @ 4:30pm
-  andy is making a mess in the kitchen.  his christmas present to tom is installing some new lighting (under the cabinets and over the sink).  corey helps after some prodding on andy's part.  all the little boys are enthralled by the tools and the noise.
-  after we've been there for a bit, kelly shows up.  yay!  and she's brought the wii.  i was wii-united and it felt so good!  
-  while the guys are working, the girls watch the kids and chat it up.  
-  grandpa is good at consoling little boys whose feelings are hurt because their parents told them "no!".
-  after some discussion, it is decided that the kitchen work can be put on hold so dinner can be made, the ohio state game can be watched (andy is an extremely devoted fan), and the wii can be played.  
-  while dinner is cooking, we open presents.  jagger struggles with the idea that not all presents are his, and ends up helping almost everyone open theirs.
-  then we eat, and i, who have absolutely no interest in football at all, get the wii going.  terry kicks my butt at tennis. tek is introduced to the tradition of a bag of chocolate donuts for christmas.  he likes.  kate gets her hair done.
look how nicely the glow of the wii illuminates their faces :)
-  alas, it is time to leave.  i have to work in the morning and we have a two hour drive ahead of us.  thank goodness it went smoothly this time.  we arrive home about 11:45 pm, switch the kids from their car seats to their beds, and then land in bed ourselves.  

i hate that it was such a short visit, but i am so glad that we did get to see everyone, and that we were all together.  it was highly enjoyable.

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