Wednesday, January 14, 2009

baking w/jagger

first, i forgot to share this story with you guys yesterday.
when i went to check the boys in for their doctor's appointment yesterday, the receptionist said to me, "you know, we have another slade blair here."  this surprised me and i said, "really?!  you have another patient named slade blair?"  and the receptionist said, "yes, and he's here right now."  she said it was so unusual, they were worried they had made a mistake and perhaps had mislabeled a chart.   so while we were waiting to see our doctor we met the other slade blair and his mom.  This other slade was about 5 yrs old, and actually, he kind of looked like how i would picture our slade to look at that age.  similar build, same hair color, round face.  his mom said the name slade was suggested by her mother, who heard the name on a folk radio station.  how crazy is that?!  that our doctor has another patient with the same name and we happened to be scheduled for appointments at the same time!  

today jagger and i made blueberry mini muffins together.
1.  since he has such a love of all things that spray, i decided to put it to good use and have him grease up the muffin tin for me.
2.  then we added water to the mix 
3. we had to mix it up really good.
4.  mama handled the putting in and taking out of the oven part, then it was time to 
5.  eat and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

what an incredible story!
Kudos to Kristen for being "WonderWomanMother"


Anonymous said...

crazy story! did u know that another person named Demian happens to be the paper boy from the movie Better off Dead. His name is Demian Slade.


Anonymous said...

That is sooo cool! you never know whats going to happen or who you'll meet. But meeting your kid at 5 years is really weird!!!! to bad you didn't get a pix. if you did put it on. love to all and the muffins look good.


Anonymous said...

Kristen Quote: "What's up with that?"

I agree with Granna!!! You had the camera! The Kristen I know NEVER misses a photo op...

"Sup wid dat?"

P GrnPaDiddy

kristen said...

if i didn't know the person who was taking the picture, i don't think i would have felt comfortable letting them capture a pic, and i did not want to put the mother in the awkward position of saying no. plus, i would have had to get her permission to post his picture anyways, and i'd just rather not ask and go into the explanation of the blog, etc. much too shy.

Anonymous said...

No no no WRONG answer!

You hide the camera in the purse like all the "investigative" TV shows!!!! Make sure it's black & white and very grainy... I think you should go back to the dr office & lurk around & get the pix

Probably Andy... if not... then Kelly