Thursday, August 7, 2008


still dealing with crazy kids.  not sure what exactly is going on.  teething may be the culprit for cash and slade.  being 2 might be the culprit for jagger.  their decibel levels have reached new heights.  tonight they overwhelmed us with their shrieking abilities and we realized we had to get out of the house as though our lives depended on it (or maybe their lives!).  so we made a quick trip to the park.  quick because after we were there for only about 15 minutes, it started to pour.  I was able to snap a few picks at least.  it was the first time in the swings for cash and slade.  slade loved it, while cash enjoyed the first few pushes, then preferred to just watch slade and not move.  not many pics of jagger because he was running around like a mad man giggling wildly and I couldn't keep up while watching the babies as well.

and can i just tell you that it is pretty much impossible to get anything done when you are surrounded by screaming kids?!  there is so much that i need to get done and my house is in shambles, but these kids just won't let me be.  particularly mr. slade, my constant companion, who prefers that i hold him at all times lest he be forced to use his powerful lungs to voice his disapproval at having to entertain himself.  i know that i'll miss this baby stage when they are out of it (especially since it is the last time i'll be going through it), but sometimes i find myself thinking i just can't wait until they are a little bit older.  is that bad?  it's a catch 22 because i don't want them to grow up too fast; i want to savor every little baby moment, but at the same time, i think they are making me insane and i'm hoping it will be easier when they are a little more self-sufficient. 
we'll make it through one day at a time :)


Anonymous said...

I remember those days but since you and your brothers were so far apart it wasn't quite as difficult as having three boys 2 and under. You will have good days and days that you think you will go insane. You have to take care of yourself first and foremost or you won't be able to care for them. Plan time for just you and Cory to have a date night once a week if possibe to just be able hear each other speak without someone needing some care...As wonderful as babies are..they are very high maintenance.Also keeping a sense of humour is very helpful :) MOM

Anonymous said...

Corey & Kristen,
That reminds me soooo much of the park in Florida we would take you and Andy to. WOW ... are you makeing memories or two are such good parents!

Remember " this too shall pass" so savor every moment even if the moment is not so ....well lets say not so memerable.

The kids will look back later with a smile on their face as Corey does when we talk about those times and he swears he can remember.

Love to both,

Anonymous said...

Ah... words of wisdom from the "Moms"

I feel as if I must add some profundity myself, but all the good words seem to have been taken, about...

