Thursday, August 14, 2008


do you guys ever watch conan o'brien?
he has this recurring segment called "secrets" where he has celebrities share their secrets (not real ones) and i think it's hilarious.
i'm going to share a real secret with you today.
ok here it is....
it is essential for company to come over to our house because otherwise we would never clean it.
we are slobs of the highest order.
even when we do attempt to keep our house in order, i swear we have the ability to trash it in less than 5 mins.
the thought of someone stopping by unannounced mortifies me.
i'm not exaggerating here, it gets bad.  like to the point where there are no clean dishes and i think to myself, "hey, i'll just drink out of this measuring cup"
so, it is important for us to have regularly scheduled company because it forces us to clean on a regular basis.
thank you to magen and mike for coming over on tuesdays and thursdays.  because of you guys, our house will not be condemned.

there is a part two to this secret...
a little part of me is hoping that one of the boys will be a neat freak and want to clean the house for me.  wishful thinking?
jagger could be the one.  he loves to pretend vacuum and mop and sweep.  maybe when he gets older, he'll pick up the real thing.  wouldn't that be fabulous?!

do you guys think less of me now?  
i hope not too much.
and if you're going to stop by, please give us a few days notice, or we just might not let you in the house :)


Anonymous said...

I am the exact same way. There is a reason why most people don't see the upstairs of my apartment :)


Anonymous said...

It's called "Panic Cleaning"

I have it down to a science. I go for stuff blocking the door, stacked dishes & bulging garbage.

Mom meanwhile... will clean out a drawer.


Anonymous said...

NO! NO! NO! Now for the rebutle ..... When Dad panic cleans everything gets thrown into my closet ....while I tend to put things away where they belong ... go figure..

MOM Blair

Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on have two babies, one toddler and a dog and you work outside of the home almost full time. You are doing the most important thing right now and that is caring for the children. I know you want everything to be "Martha Stewart" perfect but it is an impossible expectation so just concentrate on the dishes and laundry. That's about all you're going to be able to accomplish. This to shall pass!! A big hug to all...MOM

Anonymous said...

The 4 of us will be over once a week, different days each week just to keep you 'clean' :) just kidding! we are all busy, busy! Can't wait to have you all over to our new place-big back yard to play in, much fun

Kate Blair said...

Judging by the comments of other Blair members... it is a Blair disease! Andy does the same as his dad... just shoves it places. That is why I have not had a phone in three weeks. (Grrr!)

Melissa said...

Kristen, you can join Brian Bootcamp with me (I'm still learning). Some of his neatness is bound to rub off on us :) Just remember that you already do more than any of us could probably handle- you're awesome!