Saturday, August 16, 2008

finger paintin' fun

jagger seems to enjoy artsy activities. 
he really enjoys coloring with crayons (everywhere! you should see my dining room walls). 
he received an art easel for his birthday that has one side that's a chalkboard and he is constantly scribbling with chalk.  
today we went out and got some paint to try finger painting. 
huge success!  he knew what to do immediately, i didn't even have to show him. 
corey is good at art and i love all things artsy, so maybe we have a little picasso on our hands.  or maybe not picasso so much as pollock.

here is some randomness for you:
  • cash has four teeth, two on top and two on bottom.  the ones that came in on top are those that are next to the front teeth, so he looks like a little kid that has lost his front teeth.
  • slade has only one tooth on the bottom.  i think he is getting one on top too, but it is taking forever and causing him (and us) a lot of grief.
  • both cash and slade are sitting up like pros.
  • slade wants so badly to be crawling, but can't quite do it yet.  he kind of scoots around on his butt to get where he wants.
  • cash rolls everywhere, and sometime does a bit of an army crawl.
  • cash consistently sleeps through the night and usually wakes up happy.
  • we are lucky if slade sleeps a solid 4 hours at night, and generally he screams at the top of his lungs to let us know he is awake.
  • slade thinks jagger is hilarious.  he just sits and watches jagger and laughs and laughs big deep belly laughs.
  • jagger is starting to get a little bit possessive about his toys. we are starting to hear "no! mine!" when one of the babies has a toy.  we are trying to teach him to trade with them if he wants what they have.  he trades about 50% of the time.

well, that's all for now.  wow, this is a really long post. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those Blair boys are sure growing fast...and so cute.