Saturday, July 30, 2011

5 years

5 years old. how is this possible??
we celebrated jagger's 5th birthday in ohio @ the grandparent's house among family & friends.
i don't think i've ever seen a more happy & excited little boy :)
for months now, jagger has been saying that when the big jagger inside him reached the top of his head, then he would be 5. i'm not sure where he got this idea from, be he stuck to it and if anyone asked him where it was at, he would point to where on his body it had grown. so of course i asked him on his birthday, and it was right on top of his head. i guess he really is 5 :)after cupcakes and presents, it was time to work off some energy running around the yard.
grandpa hooked a trailer to the mower and gave the kids rides.then tire swinging time & playing some catch...
bang! he got me while i was trying to take some pics :)

and then bonfire time, complete with smores
both cash & slade were not so sure bout that big fire :)
cash gives the day two thumbs up
all in all the day was a huge success. jagger was truly beyond happy and he kept saying that it was the best day of his life :)
and of course we couldn't let the opportunity pass of getting a picture of the boys with their boys. the group has grown by one since the last pic in 2008, congrats to jon :)
looking good guys :)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

o wow....those pics were great, and you have a real gift with blogger right here! thanks for sharing those pics!