Saturday, July 30, 2011

i want to remember...

- that my boys are completely and 100% obsessed with superheroes.
- the costumes are worn on a DAILY basis.
- slade generally refuses to answer to his name. he will tell you which superhero he is for the day (or hour, or minute...) and you absolutely must call him by that name.
- we have costumes for batman, the flash, and spiderman, and they rotate through them regularly. one exception to the list is astroboy, which only slade will be, and of which the outfit consists of just his pullup and his "rocket boots" (otherwise known as rain boots)


Kimberly said...

man i love these lil men of God! they bring such a huge smile to my face when they are around or i think of them.....

Melissa said...

Oh, Kristen! This is the cutest post ever! I'm truly amazed at how big the boys are getting. There are many times that I wish you were still here so that we could get our brood of 5 together! Bryce could belong to you...he sports the same long hair I'm noticing on your boys ;)