Saturday, December 13, 2008

odds and ends

1.  on friday, lee and her family (friends from church), watched the kids for us while we went shopping and watched a movie (the day the earth stood still).  i planned our time out badly and we did not get much shopping done at all.  thank you lee & fam!  we really, really appreciated it.
2.  we hung our stockings friday.
3.  when slade is mad, he slams his head on the floor (sometimes repeatedly).  he has a permanent bump and black & blue mark on his forehead.  i don't know what to do to get him to stop.  you'd think the pain would be enough, but apparently not.
(ignore the fact that his face is horribly filthy)
4.  we also got the kids a bunch of christmas books on friday.  we read them tonight before bed and they were a big hit.  i really like the version of the night before christmas we bought.  the illustrations are only in black, white, red, green, and gold. 
5.  i'm looking forward to when jagger understands the idea of santa a little bit better.  i'm so ready to use the threat of no presents for bad behavior already.  he's been difficult the past couple of days, to say the least.
6.  i know i talked about it in the last post, but i am really & truly loving the kids sleeping through the night.  it's a christmas miracle!


Anonymous said...

beautiful stockings

get slade a bike helmet

hardly anyone responds here... maybe I'm out of style

I'll shut up



kristen said...

no, please keep up the comments! i look forward to them :) i wish more people would leave them.

Anonymous said...

Ok it's a deal !!!!!

I used Jagger pictures in my message this morning. He's so adorable & Kristen is a talented photog.



Anonymous said...

I Love those stockings!!!
I thank you for giving me the opportunity to watch your children, it was so much fun.