Saturday, May 23, 2009

oh boy...

so i thought yesterday would be a good day to reintroduce jagger to potty training.  
the training has been on hold for quite some time, due to all the transitions we've been going through for the past few months, but honestly, i wasn't being real consistent with it for a long while before that.  
and boy, can i tell.
jagger did not want to go to the potty at all.  he hated that i would interrupt his play time, or monster watching time, or whatever was going on, to make him sit on the potty.
he did like wearing big boy underwear, though.
by 2:30, here were the stats:
peed in potty:  0
pooped in potty:  0
peed in pants:  3
pooped in pants: 1
ugh...and it didn't improve.  he did not once go in the potty.
the sad thing is, he was doing so well, at least with peeing in potty, when we first started.  it's my lack of consistency that has made him reluctant.  boo on mama!
so now that i'm home all day, we're are starting over again.  
we will make progress!  he won't wear diapers forever, right?!

and i'm thinking i need to go out and buy more big boy underwear :)

(do you think this post will embarrass him when he's older?)


Melissa said...

Brian thinks you're starting Jagger off've already got him set with "reading material"!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the post will embarras him greatly.... but what do we live for if not to be able to do that to our kids. Think of some of the things told on you when you were a child. Yep, it will embarras


Anonymous said...

Speaking of embarrassing stories about our kids,
let me tell you about the time Corey got caught...

no wait...

I'll pass, ask me about it later


Cami said...

Eh, don't sweat it Kristen. I never was super consistent either. And no matter what I'd try, they all were trained when THEY were ready. Alina was 2, but Keni was almost 4... so it's not you and what you do... it's the child. I never even got around to train Reese.... she woke up one day and said, no more diapers and she never wore another one. And she was only like 20 months old. Weird.
They will get it. Eventually. Don't you worry about it. Someday soon... it will be hard remembering then in diapers.