Wednesday, November 12, 2008

what in the world?!

yesterday, when i went to get jagger out of his room after his "nap,"  this is what i walked into. what is that kid doing?  obviously not sleeping. he is insane.


Anonymous said...

Oh my... I fear I have seen this before. It's progressive,

Next, His head will start spinning on his shoulders, then green goo flys out his ears,

But! Fear Not! He will grow out of it in a few months.

This does not mean however, that the boy will EVER successfully maintain his room... it's just not in his dna.


Susan said...

I bet that a neighbor kid came in and did all of this while he was sleeping. I can't believe that such an angelic looking little boy would do something like that.

I got Ali a tea set for her birthday and it made me remember all of the tea parties that you had to attend when you were here.