Saturday, November 15, 2008

three cheers for good friends!

today was a good day.
i got to spend some time with my good friend jessica, sans kids.
she is heading south for the winter (4 months!) and i'm trying to squeeze in as much time with her that i can before she leaves.
we decided we had to get her feet beach ready, so it was essential that we get pedicures.
uh, pedicures are glorious.
and then she surprised me with some gifts to "remember her by."
she knows of my love for funky knee socks.
so she hand picked me a pair with special meaning.
it seems that every time we're out together, if i spot anything with butterflies, i tell her that "butterflies are all the rage this season."
and i point out owls everywhere 'cause i like them.
thus creating this magnificent ensemble.
i will wear them with pride (matching is not necessary for me) :)
and then, to top it off, jessica made me this sweet mix cd.
people don't make mix cds much anymore and i think we need to bring it back, 'cause i'm a fan.
next up, twilight movie midnight showing.
oh, jessica, i'm gonna miss you.
send me postcards and make sure you blog!


Jessica said...

Farewell, my beloved friend. Henceforth, we must be strangers living side by side... but my heart will be ever faithful to thee.---Anne of Green Gables

Jessica said...

" Good friends always stay together in spirit" --Anne of Green Gables