Saturday, August 8, 2009

new pants...

this is how i found jagger when i got him up after his nap...
he was so proud of himself for putting on a pair of pants all by himself.
then he stood up...
hmmm...something's not quite right about those pants :)
or maybe he's starting a new trend -- shirts as pants.
he was very insistent about wearing them around.
he had to hold them up 'cause they were a little big around the waist.
shortly after this picture, we decided maybe it was better to take them off,
'cause the dang pants just wouldn't stay up and he was starting to have
melt downs because of it.
slade found a vhs tape and wasn't quite sure what to do with it.
he thought he was supposed to look through it.
he was trying so hard :)
and here's one unfocused picture of cash, caught sitting on the coffee table,
which is not allowed. and he knew it :)


Anonymous said...

(Slade's inner monologue) "V.H. . . S? what is this curious relic of the past?


Anonymous said...

Heaven! I'm in Heaven!
Three posts in three days!
I've hit the lottery!

We laughed SO hard at Jagger's Shirt-Pants episode. Maybe he's trying to be a Rap star. Don't they walk around holding up their pants?

The Slade deal with the VHS tape looks just like a post you did a year ago with Jagger trying to take pictures with a disposable camera... that was upside down... and backwards.

Yeah to Kristen!


Lee said...

Thank You Kristen for all these updates. It is so wonderful to be able to see the boys. Keep up the good work. And I dont want to sound all about the boys so maybe you can update us on you and Corey also. Thanks again.