Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the kids (a list)

1.  jagger calls both cash and slade either "baby" or "ca" (as in cash minus the sh).  apparently to him, the name slade does not exist.  
2.  cash tends to sleep with his feet hanging out of the crib.
3.  jagger has started referring to himself in the 3rd person, as in "jagger hungry," or "jagger go night-night."
4.  slade says "stinky" every time one of the boys is getting a diaper change.
5.  cash has a funny habit of hiking up his pant legs while he is walking around.  
6.  jagger is all about monsters these days.  according to jagger, there are monsters every where in our house (and outside).
7.  slade throws some major fits when he does not get his way.
8.  as quick as slade is to anger, he is equally as quick to laugh.  he smiles often (in between tantrums!).
9.  jagger will get up in the middle of the night and make up a bed on the floor in his room with his pillow and blanket.  that is often where we find him in the mornings.
10.  cash is quite a babbler and sincerely seems to be trying to communicate with you, but it is all just gibberish.
11.  slade loves to be held and is quite the cuddler.
12.  cash is always getting into something and is always on the go, go, go.

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